The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
Abraham Lincoln
have a dear friend, Barb. She is a
doctor and by profession and personality she is a planner, and very
logical. Her job demands that she think
past the moment to all the eventual probable outcomes. She is successful in her profession. Her reason and planning skills are amazing especially
to me as I admit having little need for organization past the outline of a
novel (which in real truth, I very seldom ever use but do anyway) and a
calendar of what days my son goes to visit his father. However, she extends her reasoning and
planning skills to her everyday life as well.
Sometimes flying by the seat of your pants is the best you can do in
life’s grand scheme.
liken the calendar of life to the OR schedule.
Generally, surgeons will call and make an appointment for a patient to
have his procedure done. However, any
number of variables can cause a case to be cancelled and potentially
rescheduled. Just as many unknown
factors can add to the schedule. In truth, what you have a general plan and
only time and the day will tell how it will really play out. This is the story of life’s calendar.
can plot and plan to your heart’s desire.
Some of them will come to fruition. Others will not. While it would be incredibly
useful and delightful for all our plans to go off as they are set too, life
just does not work that way. My thought
is simply this, LIVE life do not plan it.
You waste your time trying to reschedule your time. You cannot be happy if you are so busy
fretting about all the what if’s that you are missing out on the moments. It all goes by so fast. The kids grow up and move out, some of them
faster, some of them slower. You cannot
be so set in your plan that you have no room for adaptations. Remember there are few things in life that
cannot be rescheduled except life itself.
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