Monday, April 22, 2013

Shades of Gray

When I was young and foolish, I only ever saw the world as black and white, either it was right or wrong, good or bad, or smart or stupid. Then I grew up and as I traveled the road of Life I realized how truly complicated life can be at times. Bad things happen to good people. The smartest of us can make stupid decisions. Some times you have to do the wrong things for the right reasons. Everyday, I struggle with narrow minded people who either because of age, blind moral compass, or sheer stubbornness refuse to take into account any other point of view, way of life, or life circumstances. It's frustrating but I have realized, it is outside the realm of my control. I do believe that everyone has the right to their own path. BUT (and this is an important BUT), we don't have the continued to right to punish, neglect, ridicule, and injure other people. Kindness and basic human respect are dying. We as a whole are responsible for it's death. You say that children to day have no respect but in truth have they been taught respect? If you want the world to change, then it has to start in your own back yard.

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