This week as the usual barrage of political,
hate ads and anti- everything ads have run a muck. I was particularly stuck by a
posting from my friend Larry. He and I
met via the internet in a silly chat room thirteen years ago and we fell into and
easy friendship. He was really the first openly Gay man I had ever known. A few
months later after meeting another gay man, Darrin, I did the only normal a person
like me would do, I introduced them to each other. They have been together ever
since. A few years ago when California was the first to allow same sex
marriage, they tied the knot. They are wonderful, intelligent men. They inspire
me to be a better me. Recently, their
cause has been that all people should have the right to marry. Recently it has become a person al cause for me as well when my wonderful son, Jared, become engaged to his partner, Seth. I want for the them the lifetime of happiness that Larry and Darrin have shared. Quite often
through the day, I will see posts are sent to my timeline via Larry or Darrin regarding the topic of same sex marriage. I read then with great interest. This one in
particular was quite inspirational.
post was a picture concerning a protest by infamous Westboro Baptist Church. The sign by the protester read, “God hates
Fags” but in a unique protest of his own, a young man had written on his notebook
and was standing in front of all to them.
His message was simple. God Hates NO ONE. How incredible that one young
man had more sense than all the opposing adults. I have often heard that greatest wisdom and
truths comes from the mouths of children. Okay well, that does also include intoxicated
people but it was a child in this case.
one of the very first times, I have seen a TRUTH. As a Christian, I read that
God loves us all. In fact in I Corinthians 13:13, and now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of
these is love. He tells us in John 3:16,
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son… (NIV) So if you represent a church, how can your message
be one of hate? As Christians, are we
not taught to beware of false prophets?
I do not have a crisis in faith. My faith is strong and my beliefs are an
integral part of my character. HOWEVER, I do take great issue with organized
religion. It seems more and more often,
that church’s use the Bible to beat people over the head about a given cause
more than to teach love and forgiveness. That is not God's work, it is man's work. I find that as heinous misuse of its
do not often bring up my faith especially in such a public forum. I believe that
it is a personal choice. Everyone has to
find for that path for him or herself. Yes, I do believe if you have questions,
if you are searching that you can ask for that help from others traveling your
same path. In the end though, when any of us stand in judgment before the Lord,
ultimately, I am responsible for my life. Not the Pastor nor the deacon nor
anyone else will be there to testify upon my behalf. So as the person accountable
for my life and my decisions, does it not make sense that I must use my best
judgment along with prayer to define my moral compass? How can I in good faith ask
another to surrender that same right to me because I say so? Well I read the same Bible that most of the
rest of you have read. As many times as I have opened its cover, I have failed
yet to find a passage that justifies hate and judgment.
Faith is a powerful tool. We all seek to be loved, want to believe in
forgiveness, and need help throughout our lives. Religious leaders are truly
some of the most influential men and women in the world. However, as history
has taught us repeatedly, absolute power corrupts absolutely. A true fact, more people die in the name of
religion than any other cause on the earth.
Think about tragedies like Jamestown where 918 people perished because they
followed a false prophet. Certainly, we should not forget the genocide of the Jewish
people in the Second World War. History is full of these examples. It is scary
how quickly seemingly intelligent, well-rounded men and women can be led to
follow especially in a religious conviction. Still today, churches are growing
and people are seeking guidance. Society
is still putting its faith in MEN to lead man.
Prior to 1967, many states had laws
regarding bi racial marriage. In fact it was
illegal in fourteen states. Many of the
arguments against it were the same Christian judgments that we use in speaking against
gay marriage. I am sure there are still
bigots today that would argue the world has gone to hell in hand basket. However,
life went on. Interracial marriage has not stopped the world from turning only more people are happy with the one person they truly love.
So, I come to you in all honesty and
ask one question. If LOVE is the most
important of all virtue in the Bible followed only by charity and forgiveness then why do we continually beat people up
for their preference in love partners? To love a gay child is only different in
the fact that society makes life harder for them and they need you as a parent to be
more supportive. They are not sick or they are not growing horns. They just have different sexual preferences.
I remember as a child my Aunt telling me once that sex scared her to death
because she had no idea as a woman you could enjoy it and desire it. Her mother certainly preached it was her
wifely duty. Today, we want to derive as
much pleasure from it as our partners.
Times are changing and just like the seasons, we are being called upon
to change with them. Heck, fifty years
ago no one would have dared to dream we would elect an African American as President I understand change never comes easily but it is necessary.
No one is asking you to change your sexual preference. No one cares if you understand, or what your religious conviction
is, they just want to have the same ability to marry the person they love for your lifetime. It takes love to accept
that everyone is different. It takes
tolerance to allow them to shine. The
biggest of sins against you is not your ability to see them married, but as a
man to make a declaration that God gave you the right to condemn. In truth
either way, it is this simple, life does not revolve around your moral
convictions. Hate does not solve any
situation. Hate only begets more hate. We
are all different. We all love different
types of people. God gave us the ability
to love with abandon. So while everyone else is building a ship in his or her
bottle, consider building a lighthouse. Just allow everyone to see you as love light shining in a dark world.
Celebrate that you are unique.
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